WDG4/WDP4 Locos Cranking Procedure

WDG4/WDP4 Locos

Cranking Procedure

  1. Ensure that start Fuse is in position and close the battery knife switch (ON).
  2. In the circuit breaker panel, put ON all Black labelled circuit breakers. Yellow labelled circuit breakers (Turbo & Computer) at ON. Whitelabelled circuit breakers as applicable.
  3. On computer to select starting system. Select Main Menu > Data Meter > Starting system.
  4. TL PR shows on (Turbo Cooling Cycle Starts) Now engine is ready for cranking.
  5. Go to the FUEL PRIME / ENGINE START switch (Loco motives provided with Governor booster pump FUEL PRIME / ENGINE START switch is provided on Engine Control panel (drivers cab)
  6. otherwise FUEL PRIME / ENGINE START switch is provided at loco right side Engine accessories room below fuel oil primary filter condition gauge) the and turn the switch to FUEL PRIME side (left side)..
  7. If the shut down procedure was followed properly earlier, the fuel pump motor will start (the motor sound can be heard).
  8. If the fuel pump motor does not start, wait for 15-20 minutes and try again.
  9. Keep holding the Engine PRIME / ENGINE START to prime side (Normally 10-20 sec) and see that the fuel oil return sight glass is full of fuel and shows no bubbles
  10. Out of the two sight glasses, the one closest to engine block should be full without any air bubbles and one away from the engine block (Bye pass sight glass) should be empty.
  11. Turn the Engine PRIME / ENGINE START switch to ENGINE START side and (press the lay shaft gently when you are cranking from the Engine accessories room.
  12. Release the lay shaft and the switch when you feel the lay shaft being pulled from your hand).
  13. In case Engine PRIME / ENGINE START switch is available in drivers cab, start switch can be released when engine RPM goes above 160-180, which can be readily seen on the starting system screen on EM 2000.EPU RPM.
  14. Do not hold PRIME / ENGINE START at start mode for more than 20 seconds.
Note: Excessive pressing of the Governor lay shaft will over speed the engine and OSTA will trip causing the engine to shut down.



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