Trouble Shooting for Penalty Brake In WDG4/WDP4



  1. BP and ER pressure drops to 'Zero'.
  2. TE Meter drops to zero.
  3. Message will be displayed in the Display.

Emergency Penalty occasions:

  1. After self test.
  2. Auto brake emergency.
  3. BP Drops below 2.8 kg/cm2 due to Train parting or ACP Pulling or Emergency brake valve application.
  4. BP pipe cut, D1 Emergency application.

Full Service Penalty:

  1. After recycling 'LCC' or 'MAB'.
  2. VCD / Alerter operation.
  3. Wrong set up of LT Switch.
  4. Applied by 'CCB' for safety.


  1. Bring throttle handle to 'Idle'.
  2. Follow the message in 'LCC screen' i.e. in working control stand..
  3. Keep auto brake handle in 'Emergency' or 'Full Service' according to the display..
  4. Give time pause according to the display message.( i.e. 10 seconds for Full service and 60 seconds for emergency penalty)..
  5. Bring Auto brake handle to 'RUN POSITION' (When displayed in LCC to do so if not do in the other control stand).
  6. Ensure BP and ER Pressure starts charging up to 5.2 kg/cm2.

Penalty brake messages on display and their probable causes:

  • Air brake penalty keep handle in FS for 10seconds.
  • Alerter / VCD Penalty / RAPB / Computer breaker Off.
  • Air brake power interruption keep handle in FS for 10 sec.
  • MAB Off / Power Failure in CCB Unit.
  • Lead Trail mode selection failure or Improper set up of LT Switch.
  • Wrong position of LT Switch in working Loco.
  • Air Brake Failure.
  • Wrong position of LT Switch in Lead and Trail Locos.
  • Air brake failure Auto brake moved to emergency Air brake Emergency keep handle in Emergency for 60 sec.
  • Air brake failure Auto brake moved to emergency Air brake Emergency keep handle in Emergency for 60 sec.
  • Auto Brake moved to emergency.
  • Loss of Train line pressure emergency keep handle in Emergency for 60 seconds.
  • BP Dropped below 2.8 kg/cm2.



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