WDG4/WDP4 Locos Air Brake Self Test

WDG4/WDP4 Locos

Air Brake Self Test

Occasions to conduct:

  1. This test is to be conducted when Air Brake Failure Message displayed in the LCC or EM2000 display.
  2. When it is not possible to recover the penalty brake by placing the Auto brake handle to Full Service for 10 seconds or 60 seconds in Emergency.
  3. BC Pressure is not dropping to zero when direct brake handle is released.

Before conducting Air Brake Self Test:

  1. Stop the train/loco and secure as per the instructions.
  2. Recycle the MAB and recover the penalty as per LCC Display.
  3. If unable to recover the penalty then only Air brake self-test to be done.

Ensure the following to before conducting Air Brake Self Test:

  1. MR Pressure should be above 8.0 kg/cm2 and no external leakage.
  2. Front truck Brake cylinder COC is in open position.
  3. Loco is fully secured to prevent rolling of the loco during the test. (Apply hand brake and place wooden wedges).
  4. Loco is isolated from the formation.(Close all BCEQ, MREQ COCs, BP, FP COC)
  5. Keep the isolation Switch in Isolate position.
  6. Keep the TH in Idle position, Rev Handle neutral, Micro Air Brake CB ON, switch off ERS and GF and set the consoles as per procedure.

If Air Brake Self Test Failed:

  1. Note down the fault code on CRU display in case of CCB 1.5 and in case CCB 2.0 fault code in EBV (Brake Control Unit).
  2. make working console to non-working and non-working console into working console and again conduct Air brake self test to that console.
  3. If succeeds, then work with that console.
  4. If fails note down the fault code and inform to the PRC/Concerned Shed.
Note: After successful completion of Air brake self test conduct BP continuity Test.



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