
WDG4/WDP4 Locos MR2 Pressure is low with PCS open indication

WDG4/WDP4 Locos MR2 Pressure is low with PCS open indication Probable Reasons: Ensure M R1 pressure. MR2 – Auto blow down valve blowing continuously. Leakage in BP Pipe. Leakage in BC Pipe. Leakage in BC Eq. Pipe. Compressor Defect. Action to be taken by LP: Trouble shoot and create. Close to shut off position (manual position – spindle inside). Check and arrest the leakage. Check and arrest the leakage, if unsuccessful isolate the truck by closing Brake Cylinder COC. Ensure BC Eq. Cocks are closed. Check oil level or unusual sound.

Air Brake System Problems in WDG4/WDP4

Air Brake System Problems Indications: Crew message- Communication link failure MAB. Air brake fault-use loco in LEAD only. Air brake fault-use loco in TRAIL only. Air brake fault-BC control failure. Air brake fault-BC equalizing control failure. No blended brake - Lock out. Loco brakes not releasing. Remedial action for Communication link failure MAB: Recycle micro air brake & Computer control breakers. Check for tightness of COM card of EM2000. Check for tightness of CPZ card in CCB system. Check for tightness of VCU connectors and CRJ Connector. Check for other Probable Reasons Remedial action for Air Brake failure-use loco in LEAD: Inform Shed and work further. Check for other Probable Reasons Remedial action for Air brake failure-use loco in TRAIL: Check for availability of MR pressure. If available, recycle Micro Air Brake and computer control breakers. Conduct Air Brake Self-Test. If MR pressure is not available,Consult Shed. Chec

Trouble Shooting for Penalty Brake In WDG4/WDP4

PENALTY BRAKE Effect BP and ER pressure drops to 'Zero'. TE Meter drops to zero. Message will be displayed in the Display. Emergency Penalty occasions: After self test. Auto brake emergency. BP Drops below 2.8 kg/cm2 due to Train parting or ACP Pulling or Emergency brake valve application. BP pipe cut, D1 Emergency application. Full Service Penalty: After recycling 'LCC' or 'MAB'. VCD / Alerter operation. Wrong set up of LT Switch. Applied by 'CCB' for safety. PENALTY RESET PROCEDURE: Bring throttle handle to 'Idle'. Follow the message in 'LCC screen' i.e. in working control stand.. Keep auto brake handle in 'Emergency' or 'Full Service' according to the display.. Give time pause according to the display message.( i.e. 10 seconds for Full service and 60 seconds for emergency penalty).. Bring Auto brake handle to 'RUN POSITION' (When displayed in LCC to do so if not do in the other c

WDG3A मल्टिपल यूनिट में कैब बदलने का तरीका


WDG4/WDP4 Locos Console Changing Procedure

WDG4/WDP4 Locos Console Changing Procedure Single Cab Preparation: Stop and secure the Loco. Throttle Handle - Idle. Reverser Handle - Neutral (Centered). Auto Brake - Run. Direct Brake - Apply (Br. Cyl. Pressure - 5.2 kg/cm2). Preparation for Working Control stand to be made as Non Working: Move Auto Brake Handle to FS (ER & BP Pressure drops to 3.4 kg/cm2). Wait till BP Exhaust sound stops. Move Lead / Trail Switch from Lead to Trail (ER Pressure drops Zero). Release Direct Brake without touching Bail off ring. Remove the Reverser Handle. Preparation for Non Working Control Stand to be made as Working: Move Direct Brake Handle to Full Application (BC Pr. builds to 5.2 kg/cm2). Move Lead / Trail Switch from Trail to Lead (ER Pr. builds to 3.4 kg/cm2). Move Auto Brake Handle from FS to Run (ER and BP Pr. builds to 5.2 kg/cm2). Insert Reverser Handle and place in Neutral.

WDG4D/WDP4D Locos Dual Cab Changing Procedure

WDG4D/WDP4D Locos Dual Cab Changing Procedure Preparation: Stop and secure the Loco. Apply Direct brake to Full (Br.Cyl.Pr.- 5.2 kg/cm2). Bring the Reverser Handle to Centre. Keep Isolation switch in Run Position. Preparation for Working Cab to be made as Non Working: Move Auto Brake to FS. Wait till BP Exhaust sound stops. Move LT Switch from Lead to Trail (Ensure ER Pressure drops to zero). Release Direct Brake (without operating Bail OFF ring). Switch off ERS, GF, Control/FP Slider Switches and Dyn. control CB. Switch off GF CB in the Breaker panel. Switch off BL Key and remove the BL Key (in M edha Locos, Non Removable in Siemens Locos). Remove the Reverser Handle. Preparation for Non-Working cab to be made as Working: Move LT Switch from Trail to Lead (ER Pr. builds to 3.7 kg/cm2). Move Direct Brake Handle to Full (BC Pr. builds to 5.2 kg/cm2). Move Auto Brake from FS to Run (ER and BP Pr. builds to 5.2 kg/cm2). In Medha Locos, insert BL Key and turn

WDG4/WDP4 Locos Dead Loco Movement

WDG4/WDP4 Locos Dead Loco Movement Shut down the Engine as per procedure and attach with the working loco. If equalizer pipes are connected work the loco without any change. If BP pipe only connected the following procedure to be carried out. Drain MR1 and MR2 completely, then close the drain cocks. At any one end open BC Equaliser and M R Equaliser COC. Connect BP Pipe and open BP Angle cocks. Open Dead Engine cock (in CCB 1.5) or Turn Dead Engine knob in 'Dead In' position (in CCB 2.0) located in the nose compartment. Ensure M R pressure is builds to 1.8 kg/cm2 in the dead loco. Destruct the BP and ascertained loco brake is getting applied in the dead loco and BC Pressure is building up to 1.8 kg/cm2.. Create BP Pressure to 5.2 kg/ cm2. and ascertained loco brake is getting released. Ensure air is leaking through the dead loco BC Equaliser pipe during application and releasing of brakes. If not the BC Equaliser COC Position is to be ascertained for proper pos